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What Serum Is Best For Skin Glow?

Glowing skin is one of the most common skin goals among people of all ages.
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Written by
Alisan Keesee
November 3, 2023
Photo About What Serum Is Best For Skin Glow

What Serum Is Best For Skin Glow?

Glowing skin is one of the most common skin goals among people of all ages. A skin glow can indicate healthy, moisturized skin. Thus, when looking for a skin serum, many people want to find one that will provide or contribute to a healthy looking glow. Our experts discuss the question, “What serum is best for skin glow?”

The skin serum that will give you the best glow will vary depending on your age, skin type, and overall skin condition. The basic serums known to help promote an all around glow are Vitamin C, niacinamide, Vitamin E, and glycolic acid. Our ferulic acid serum contains both Vitamin C and Vitamin E along with hyaluronic acid and ferulic acid which are powerful hydrators that help maintain the glow, moisturize, and neutralize pollutants. 

You may also consider retinoids or similar products because they help exfoliate, remove dead skin, and maintain good quality. The best way to get glowing skin is to naturally have good quality skin. While not always possible, these products can help promote it. You may also consult with a master esthetician or other skin expert.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-787-0784. You can also reach out online via chat or contact form.

Disclaimer: Ferulic acid serum is a cosmetic product. This product is not FDA approved. Ferulic acid is not a drug and it does not treat any medical conditions.