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Should I Use Ferulic Acid At Night?

Your morning and night skincare routines may contain some of the same products.
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November 3, 2023
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Your morning and night skincare routines may contain some of the same products. However, there are natural differences such as the use of retinoids is best done at night and you really only need sunscreen in the morning. So, where do your serums fit into this routine? People often ask, “Should I use ferulic acid at night?”

Ferulic acid can be used in the morning, at night, or at both times. However, if you use certain products, such as retinol, you should stick to using ferulic acid in the morning. While ferulic acid is not nearly as harsh or irritating as retinols can be, it is best not to use them at the same time.

Additionally, ferulic acid serum is perfect for layering underneath your makeup. If you do not use a product like retinol, you can likely safely use ferulic acid serum at night as well. It is not strictly necessary to do so though, patients can still see results while only using it once a day. It is important to note that you should only use ferulic acid a maximum of twice per day.

To learn more and purchase ferulic acid serum, visit our online store or Amazon page.

Disclaimer: Ferulic acid serum is a cosmetic product. This product is not FDA approved. Ferulic acid is not a drug and it does not treat any medical conditions.