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How Do Anti-Aging Serums Work?

It may seem odd that anti-aging serums can make a visible difference in aged skin considering that even more invasive procedures cannot completely treat aging.
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Written by
Alisan Keesee
November 3, 2023
Photo For A Post How Do Anti-Aging Serums Work

How Do Anti-Aging Serums Work?

It may seem odd that anti-aging serums can make a visible difference in aged skin considering that even more invasive procedures cannot completely treat aging. However, the key to topical anti-aging products is a proactive approach—aka using them before you see major signs of aging. Let’s look at the question, “How do anti-aging serums work?”

Anti-aging serums primarily work by preventing aging. For example, ferulic acid serum in combination with Vitamins C and D helps neutralize free radicals and pollutants from the environment that may get on your skin during the day. These free radicals can cause damage and aging. Along with this, it also helps protect against the sun which is one of the major aging factors.

Anti-aging serums do also treat current signs of aging. For example, by keeping the skin hydrated and nourished, this can naturally increase collagen production for healthier and younger looking skin.

To learn more and purchase ferulic acid serum, visit our online store or Amazon.

Disclaimer: Ferulic acid serum is a cosmetic product. This product is not FDA approved. Ferulic acid is not a drug and it does not treat any medical conditions.