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Does Vitamin C Serum Need Ferulic Acid?

Vitamin C serum is one of the most popular skin serums on the market. While sold on its own, there are especially powerful combinations of Vitamin C...
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Written by
Alisan Keesee
November 3, 2023
Does Vitamin C Serum Need Ferulic Acid

Does Vitamin C Serum Need Ferulic Acid?

Vitamin C serum is one of the most popular skin serums on the market. While sold on its own, there are especially powerful combinations of Vitamin C with other ingredients. One of the best is Vitamin C plus ferulic acid. However, for good results, does Vitamin C serum need ferulic acid?

Ultimately, it depends on your skin and goals. For people with young, normal type skin, Vitamin C might be enough to help maintain the look of the skin and keep it soft. However, if you are older, or concerned about aging, combining Vitamin C with ferulic acid can help prevent and treat aging. It is one of the top anti-aging serums available.

If you are new to skin serums, you may consider starting with a Vitamin C serum and working up to a combination one like our ferulic acid serum. This can help your skin acclimate and is great for those with sensitive skin.

Even if you are not concerned about aging, Vitamin C plus ferulic acid is a great option for anyone wanting to prevent skin damage. To purchase our ferulic acid serum, visit our online store or Amazon.

Disclaimer: Ferulic acid serum is a cosmetic product. This product is not FDA approved. Ferulic acid is not a drug and it does not treat any medical conditions.