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Does Vitamin C Serum Dry Out The Skin?

Whenever trying out a new product, people who have experienced reactions often are wary. This is perfectly understandable.
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Written by
Alisan Keesee
November 3, 2023
A Photo For Does Vitamin C Serum Dry Out The Skin

Does Vitamin C Serum Dry Out The Skin?

Whenever trying out a new product, people who have experienced reactions often are wary. This is perfectly understandable. Considering the touted benefits of Vitamin C serum, many people want to try it, but have concerns. Let’s investigate one of these concerns, “Does Vitamin C serum dry out the skin?”

Vitamin C serum, when used as directed, usually does not dry out the skin. In fact, it often does the opposite. However, if you already have chronic dry skin issues or conditions that severely dry out your skin, Vitamin C serum can exacerbate this. In this case, you may want to build up to using it daily or work with a skin specialist to determine the best way to add a product to your routine. Sometimes, it may not be ideal to use it.

In general, Vitamin C serum is an excellent product for nourishing the skin, preventing aging, and protecting the skin from everyday pollutants. Most people—when using Vitamin C serum correctly—will not experience any adverse reactions or effects.

To learn more and purchase our ferulic acid serum, visit our Amazon or online store.

Disclaimer: Ferulic acid serum is a cosmetic product. This product is not FDA approved. Ferulic acid is not a drug and it does not treat any medical conditions.