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3 Factors That Accelerate Aging

Aging is inevitable. However, there are some factors—some under our control and others not—that can accelerate aging.
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Written by
Alisan Keesee
November 3, 2023
A Photo For Factors That Accelerate Aging

3 Factors That Accelerate Aging

Aging is inevitable. However, there are some factors—some under our control and others not—that can accelerate aging. This can result in premature aging, or worsen existing aging. Here are 3 factors that accelerate aging and what you can do to counteract them.

#1: Smoking

Smoking is one of the top lifestyle choices that can prematurely age you. Not only is it harmful to your overall health, but smoking restricts blood flow and limits the nourishment that can reach the skin. Thus, this can lead to faster collagen breakdown, more susceptibility to damage, overall harmful to the health of your skin, and lead to premature aging.

#2: Sun Exposure

Sun damage is one of the top complaints among aging patients. Some sun damage is unavoidable due to our daily lives. However, if someone routinely experiences unprotected sun exposure and burns, this can cause aging at a much faster rate than someone who sees less exposure and protects their skin. Wearing sunscreen and avoiding direct sunlight can help reduce aging due to sun exposure.

#3: Lack of Sleep

Sleep is vital for recharging our bodies. This includes our skin. If you do not get enough sleep on a long term basis, this can cause your body to prematurely age, especially the under eyes and face. Doing your best to get enough sleep is a good way to help your skin.

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Disclaimer: Ferulic acid serum is a cosmetic product. This product is not FDA approved. Ferulic acid is not a drug and it does not treat any medical conditions.